Tuesday 7 October 2014

Late June 2013 - Nest boxes and turtles

With the end of the chick-rearing period upon me, it was about time to start putting up the 18 wooden roller nest boxes made for me locally earlier in the season. This was carried out with the much-appreciated assistance of my friends Christos, Emmi, Spyros and Heather; thanks guys! Hopefully the boxes will be used next spring and increase the size (and accessibility!) of the study site roller population.
Christos and Heather take a
well-earned break
An evening drink with Christos and Heather also resulted in one of the non-project highlights of the summer, when a moonlit stroll down the beach resulted in wonderful views of an egg-laying loggerhead turtle. These amazing animals breed on several Cypriot beaches, alongside the related green turtle, but are being greatly impacted by the increasing development of coastal habitats on the island.  
Female loggerhead turtle
(copyright C.Mammides)

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